Today society is different from society 20 years ago.

Second Alvin Toffler:

"Illiterates of the next century are not those who cannot read or write, but those who refuse to learn, relearn and return to learning."


This shows that it is no longer enough to know how to read and write, as it happened in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 21st century, learning is a constant, we are always evolving.

As early as 1980 Alvin Toffler described the evolution of human society, from the time of predominance of agricultural activities, through the industrial phase, to the post-industrial era and the information age, which is characterized in the following table:


Now, analyzing the following infographics, we realize that we have advanced a little further and we are in the 5.0 society, with the internet of things everywhere, where everything starts to be connected at a global level.


This is the evolution of our society, which means that it is necessary to use the means that are currently available for the Church to be able to communicate in the same way.


Simplification and dematerialization

The simplification and dematerialization of the processes is fundamental for the improvement of the Church's daily life.

The Church cannot be left behind in the information society!

Here are some simple examples of what is currently being done and what needs to be done to reach the community today:

The normal The ideal (suggestion)
Paper parish bulletin delivered to the Church on the day the community attends Mass;

- Website and App - Make the Parish Bulletin available for consultation online (via website and app), a few days in advance;

- Social networks - Publicize the new Bulletin on the Parish social networks;

- Newsletter - Publicize the new Newsletter by sending a weekly Parish newsletter, with notices, events, news and the newsletter;

Visits to the parish registry office to schedule sessions for the organization of processes such as baptism, marriage,… Possibility of pre-scheduling with the parish priest so that the time of both the parish priest and the parishioners is optimized. This scheduling can be through email or through a form via website or app;
Notices published in the Parish Notice; Publication of various notices on the parish website and app;
Events published in the Parish Notice; Publication of the various events on the parish website and app;
Record of Mass intentions in the Parish Agenda; Publication of Mass intentions on Kyrios, being shared with the Parish Priests and available anywhere at any time;
Organization of marriage processes with communication with the Curia in paper format; Organization of processes in Kyrios, being shared with the Curia when they are finalized, streamlining and improving the flow of information between Church institutions;
Request the modification of the priest's personal data directly in the Curia (telephone number, address,…) Through Kyrios it is possible to request the change of personal data, simplifying and speeding up these requests;
Accountability of a Parish to the Curia through manual completion of the accountability model; Using the Kyrios Accounting module, you can automatically have the accountability model to deliver to the Curia;
Process statements are filled in manually; Kyrios makes available all extracts of annual files so that you can deliver to the Curia without any additional work.


These are just a few examples of what is happening today and that can be optimized with the use of the right tools, as is the case with Kyrios ChMS.

Nowadays we all have more challenges, time is always short and the use of the right tools certainly helps to increase productivity and improve quality of life.


Join Kyrios ChMS now and have your page and app online effortlessly and without delay:

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You can count on our offer of Website + Mobile Application + Professional emails + Newsletters free for 30 days and, if you wish to join, the value of joining will be very low, so that everyone can benefit from these essential communication tools for the Church today.


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