Kyrios is the best solution for the management of catechesis.
A mobile application designed for the Modern Church
With a simple and always available App, catechists have all the information at hand !!
Web Portal (Kyrios)
It is from Kyrios that all the management of catechesis groups is carried out, from creating new groups, changing the constitution of the group, assigning catechists and new year's eve.
The sessions can also be managed directly on the Web Portal, but an App is available to make the use simpler and more mobile.
Catechesis groups
Manage all catechesis groups at your Christian education center.
Access to catechists only to their groups
In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), catechists only have access to their groups, and cannot consult the information of groups in which they are not catechists.
Complete records of catechists
Access to all catechizing data, including information about your household.
Consultation of all Catechesis history.
Scheduling sessions
Scheduling sessions with summaries and attendance.
Management of the transfer process to other Christian education centers.
Mobile app
The Kyrios App is available for iOS and Android and allows all Catechists to have access to the information they need from their groups, as well as the possibility to register sessions and attendance.
Catechesis groups
Consult all catechetical groups at your Christian education center directly on your smartphone or tablet.
Access to catechists only to their groups
In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), catechists only have access to their groups, and cannot consult the information of groups in which they are not catechists.
Catechists' files
Access to the main data of catechize students, including their contacts, parents and guardian.
Consultation of all Catechesis history.
Scheduling sessions
Scheduling sessions with summaries and attendance.